Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Media Pitch Final

Final Media Pitch

To: Nancy Conway

Salt Lake Tribune


Financial Independence is possible


With the economy like it is today, many people have been interested in articles pertaining to how to save money and become financially comfortable. I know you have already released many articles in relation to these issues in the recent months; however, I wanted to inform you of how my company, Cache Valley Investors Association (CVIA) doesn’t just teach its members to save, but to grow their money in such a way that will ensure their financial independence during these hard times.

The key principle when it comes to becoming financially independent is that your passive income is greater than your expenses. The main goal is to help people understand the concepts that come with investing so that they can make wise decisions and be financially set for life.

Finding the proper businesses to invest with is key, and with CVIA we will teach you where and how to start. Passive income allows for not only an extra, stable income, but it also allows people to spend more time doing what they love, being with family, and pursuing other areas of interest.

CVIA uses the same principles taught in the book “The Secret” ; principle’s such as the Law of Attraction, Law of abundance, and Law of exchange. Since CVIA was first established in 2007, it has grown to hold several members from all over the country and that number continues to grow monthly. If you would like to know more about CVIA and how everyone has the ability to become financially independent, please contact me.

Best Wishes,

Sara Foote

Cache Valley Investors Association

Public Relations Spokesperson


Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Draft Press Release 4


October 25, 2011

Organization name: Primary Care Pediatrics

Contact Information: Barbara 435-793-4332

Don’t be InFLUenced

Flu Shot clinic 2011

LOGAN, Utah—With Winter just around the corner and children being stuck in the classroom all day, many are sure to be negatively inFLUenced by the Flu. These days, about 20% of Utah’s population gets the Flu each year. However, Primary Care Pediatrics, located in the North Logan Specialty Hospital is holding a Flu Clinic from October 26, 2011 to November 17th Tuesday through Thursday from 12:00—4:00 and encourages all to come get vaccinated.

Primary Care Pediatrics isn’t only offering the Flu shot vaccination, but for kinds over three, there is a Flu Mist option available as well. Haley Johnson, a nurse for the clinic said, “We encourage all to get vaccinated for the Flu this year, I can’t begin to count how many patients we see that are sick with the Flu—if only they had their shot!”

Unlike other offices around town, Primary Care Pediatrics offers Flu Shots for free as long as proper identification is provided. Primary Care Pediatrics Manager Carol Booth said, “We provide the best service to not only our patients, but to anyone who wants to get vaccinated—we are trying to fight the Flu in any way we can.”

We encourage all to make the time to come get vaccinated, so the Flu don’t inFLUence you!

Media Contact:

Sarah Foote



Media Pitch Draft

Draft Media Pitch

To: Nancy Conway

Salt Lake Tribune


Financial Independence is possible


Unfortunately with the economy like it is today, many people have been interested in articles pertaining to how to save money and become financially comfortable. I know you have already released many articles in relation to these issues in the recent months; however I wanted to inform you of how my company, Cache Valley Investors Association (CVIA) doesn’t just teach its members to save, but to grow their money in such a way that will ensure their financial independence during these hard times.

The key principle when it comes to becoming financially independent is that your passive income is greater than your expenses. The main goal is to help people understand the principles that come with investments so that they can make wise decisions and be financially set for life.

Finding the proper businesses to invest with is key, and with CVIA we will teach you where and how to start your investigation. Passive income allows for not only an extra, stable income, but it also allows people to spend more time doing what they love, being wit family, and pursuing other areas of interest.

CVIA uses the same principles taught in the book “The Secret”;principle’s such as the Law of Attraction, Law of abundance, and Law of exchange. Since CVIA was first established in 2007, it has grown to hold several members from all over the country and that number continues to grow monthly. If you would like to know more about CVIA and how everyone has the ability to become financially independent, please contact me.

Best Wishes,

Sara Foote

Cache Valley Investors Association

Public Relations Spokesperson


Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Final Press Release 3


Preston Parker, President and CEO

Cache Valley Area Investors Association

Phone: (123) 456-7890

FAX: (321) 654-0987

Attraction, Abundance, Exchange

Financial Independence is available for all Americans

LOGAN, Utah- In a recent interview with Cache Valley Area Investors Association President, Preston Parker said “if people learn the right mentality and approach to investing, all can be successful in what they desire.” Parker claims that by use of the Law of Attraction, Abundance, and Exchange; such laws discussed in books such as The Secret, and The Automatic Millionaire, all can become as successful and wealthy as they desire.

Parker seeks to promote the idea of Passive income Rather than Active income. Passive income is that income from such entities such as investing, as Active income is that income coming from a job or career. Financial independence is achieved when passive income exceeds expenses. Cache Valley Area Investors Association is a local organization that supports this cause and is looking to help advance members to learn and practice these laws themselves. “I want people to be happy, to have jobs they love and to be financially independent.” said Parker.

CVAIA meets every-other Tuesday to teach and discuss ways to build strong foundations of financial independence and they encourage all to attend.

Sarah Foote
(6030 793-3300