Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Organizational Uses

One of the most talked about issues in news media as of recently ia how different oganizations use social media to promote their businesses. In this article the author clearly talks about whether or not social media is right for your organization. http://www.techsoup.org/learningcenter/internet/page7935.cfm The article goes through a check list of ways to determine this. Such questions are asked like whether the audiences that your companay wants to target are frequent users of social media, or how much time are you willing to put in to getting social media up and running, and continuing with updates frequently. What is unique about social media is that because it's so previlent, it needs to be constantly undated and changed in order to be recognized and reliable. This article was real helpful in how to go about making the decsion if social media is right for your organization. It also, gives a brief overview about the advantages and disadvantages of social media.
This article, http://www.sminorgs.net/home.html talked about the statistics of how many organizations use social media. They provided a very interesting youtube video in relation to how big social media is these days. Statistics such as if Facebook were a country, it would be the 3rd largest. The video is posted below.


All in all, I think that the articles and statistics state the truth when they talk about how much more successfull companies can become when they put a lot of effort into their social media. I think one day soon, it will be almost impossible to continue a successful company or organization without social media.


  1. Social media can be great for new companies and nonprofit organizations, however, they can also be harmful for big companies. Social media gives people yet another outlet to either complain or praise your organization. I think companies need to be aware of the can of potential worms they are opening when starting a social media campaign. Cory Checketts

  2. Great articles, I think they would be really helpful to businesses who are new to social media. It is a great way to show them the potential social media has to create a successful platform for their business.
