Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Draft Press Release 4


October 25, 2011

Organization name: Primary Care Pediatrics

Contact Information: Barbara 435-793-4332

Don’t be InFLUenced

Flu Shot clinic 2011

LOGAN, Utah—With Winter just around the corner and children being stuck in the classroom all day, many are sure to be negatively inFLUenced by the Flu. These days, about 20% of Utah’s population gets the Flu each year. However, Primary Care Pediatrics, located in the North Logan Specialty Hospital is holding a Flu Clinic from October 26, 2011 to November 17th Tuesday through Thursday from 12:00—4:00 and encourages all to come get vaccinated.

Primary Care Pediatrics isn’t only offering the Flu shot vaccination, but for kinds over three, there is a Flu Mist option available as well. Haley Johnson, a nurse for the clinic said, “We encourage all to get vaccinated for the Flu this year, I can’t begin to count how many patients we see that are sick with the Flu—if only they had their shot!”

Unlike other offices around town, Primary Care Pediatrics offers Flu Shots for free as long as proper identification is provided. Primary Care Pediatrics Manager Carol Booth said, “We provide the best service to not only our patients, but to anyone who wants to get vaccinated—we are trying to fight the Flu in any way we can.”

We encourage all to make the time to come get vaccinated, so the Flu don’t inFLUence you!

Media Contact:

Sarah Foote



1 comment:

  1. I like this! It seems to be one of the few that is actually a news release. I like the word play of inFLUenced but I am not sure about ap style on that.

    Also noticed in the second paragraph kinds should be kids and in the last paragraph i think it should be doesn't instead of don't.

    Overall looks great!
